This year I was well and truly spoilt for Mothers Day. First of Little Mr didn't get up till 8.15 which was great especially as the clocks had gone forwards too. We had a lazy hour in bed where I was treated to breakfast and so was Little Mr actually. Maybe next year he will help make the breakfast. I got a lovely handmade card. I always prefer gifts that have some time, thought and personalisation in them compared to something that you could give to any one.
I also got this fantastic personalised story which we all read together in bed.
Car selfie on the way to Whitby. Both babies were fast asleep, luckily my Dad has a spacious car so it wasn't too squishy between two car seats.
Arguments Yard the irony being we never have arguments, honest ;)
Little Miss thoroughly enjoyed the bumpy ride over the cobbled streets.
My beautiful view while we sat and ate fish and chips.
We also headed to the beach where we played chase with the sea, played football and the dogs ran wild.