Dear Little Miss,
You are mow a full 10 months old, creeping ever closer to the mile stone of being one. We just can't believe it. You can now stand on your own and take the odd tentative step. You are super quick and an expert at cruising around our furniture and climbing the stairs. You now have 6 teeth with two more ready to pop at any moment. You are settled into going to bed at 8:30pm which is later than your brother ever did but we are happy with this as it gives Daddy and I some quality time with just you. This month has seen me go back to work and boy do I miss you and your brother. You have loved spending time with your grandparents though and puppy wolf Bess. You love to chase Bess around and fall about in laughter when she runs circles around you. Your relationship with Little Mr is continually blossoming, we love watching you play together and seeing your bond develop. Where has our little smiley baby gone?!? You are turning into beautiful, happy toddler before our eyes but will always be our baby.
Lots of love
Mummy & Daddy