Little Miss at 10 Months

Sunday, 21 September 2014


Dear Little Miss,

You are mow a full 10 months old, creeping ever closer to the mile stone of being one. We just can't believe it. You can now stand on your own and take the odd tentative step. You are super quick and an expert at cruising around our furniture and climbing the stairs. You now have 6 teeth with two more ready to pop at any moment. You are settled into going to bed at 8:30pm which is later than your brother ever did but we are happy with this as it gives Daddy and I some quality time with just you. This month has seen me go back to work and boy do I miss you and your brother. You have loved spending time with your grandparents though and  puppy wolf Bess. You love to chase Bess around and fall about in laughter when she runs circles around you. Your relationship with Little Mr is continually blossoming, we love watching you play together and seeing your bond develop. Where has our little smiley baby gone?!? You are turning into beautiful, happy toddler before our eyes but will always be our baby.

Lots of love
Mummy & Daddy

Pampers Active Fit Nappy Challenge #BritainsDriestNappy

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

It seems for the last 3 and a bit years all I have done is change nappies. For the duration of this time we have mainly used Pampers Baby Dry, however Little Miss is much more of a wriggler than Little Mr ever was and a heavier wetter, so when I was offered the chance to take the Pampers, Britains driest nappy challenge I jumped.

Now Pampers Active Fit nappies claim to have "an extra absorbent layer that quickly draws wetness away and locks it in so that they stay up to 2. Times drier than other leading nappies."

So the teacher in me was keen to investigate further and see if Pampers Active Fit really do keep the wetness locked in and thus leaving my Little Miss with a lovely dry bottom.

To do this I slowly poured 150ml of water on to the nappy. I then waited 90 seconds for the nappy to absorb the water (feel free to fast forward this part of the video)

Here is a short video of what happened.

I was really surprised how dry the kitchen roll was there was barely any water on it. Great news for keeping your baby super dry.

As mentioned we usually use Pampers Baby Dry and have never had a problem but I will definitely be giving Pampers Active Fit a try in the future.

This post is an entry for #BritainsDriestNappy trial sponsored by Pampers. Learn more at” and linking to 

**Please note that I was given a pack of Pampers Active Fit nappies for the purpose of this challenge but all views and opinions are 100% my own.**
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