Bucket List #May

Thursday, 30 April 2015


I only recently stumbled upon the bucket list linky an immediately loved the idea. So without further a do here is my bucket list for May.

 1) To get back onto the fitness wagon. I recently really got really into HIIT (high intensity interval training) but fell off the wagon throughout April for many reasons such as Birthdays, weekends away and work.

 2) Spend more time on Riding bikes with little Mr. He loves it but we really don't do it enough.

 3) To save at least £100 this month. This is a biggy a the last few months I have spent every penny I have earnt so I really need to be more frugal with my money.

 4) To finish my book. A couple of months ago I began reading The doll house, I was really beginning to get into the plot and I just haven't picked it up again. I miss reading adult books.

 5) To go on a girls night out. Since children I have really scaled back on nights out, I fact they scarsely happen. So on my list is a girls night out though this one is cheating really as I do have a night out planned but it will be my first in a long time.

 So short and sweet but hopefully it will be achievable. I will feel more accountable anyway!!

How to keep a tidy home with 2 small children?

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

This is a question I ask myself on a regular basis and Mr H when he is feeling brave!   

                                  This is what happened whilst I tidied the kitchen!

I have to say with one child I found it easy, Little Mr wasn't messy and we had half the junk we now seem to have amassed. However I feel with two children it is much harder to keep a tidy home. Therefore I thought it only fair for me to share some of the ways you too can keep a tidy home with young children.

1) Never wash clothes

This one is a buggy as doing this will cut down on the huge workload that follows freshly washed clothes. If I never wash clothes I will never have to dry them so will save time hanging clothes to dry and once again bringing them in. There will also be no folding and no ironing.

2) Never iron clothes

If you follow step one there will be no clothes to iron and you are well on your way to keeping a tidy home.

3) No Birthdays until you turn 18! 

No cards to display which inevitably clutter up a surface and the best part is no presents, so no toys to fill already overflowing storage boxes/selves/baskets or any other small space not currently overrun with stuff.

4) Use disposable plates and crockery

Paper and plastic and once dinner is over throw in the bin! This step also saves on loading and unloading the dishwasher.

5) Never dust

An occasional blow on surfaces where there is a buildup should do the trick or if you are desperate a quick once over with a baby wipe.

6) Banish children and husband to the shed

Now this stage is a winner and if achieved will save you the most time. If you better half and children can never enter beds will remain made, there will be no crushed biscuits, smeary windows or mirrors and sticky banisters. Socks will be in draws not under cushions, sofas or bed sheets.

7) NO pets

More poo, urine, grooming, hair, food the list goes on. A bad idea if you want a tidy home.

This list is by no means exhaustive and if you have your own methods please feel free to share your tips.

Here is my final thought on keeping a tidy home.


Afternoon Tea and Spa - Cedar Court York

Saturday, 25 April 2015

For Mothers day I treated my Mum to a champagne afternoon tea at the Cedar Court Grand Hotel in York. Due to mega busy work schedules we have only recently been able to actually go, but it was so worth the wait. We decided to make the most of our day and also treat ourselves to some 'me time' in the spa.

When we arrived it transpired they had a mix up with our booking fortunately they could quickly sort it out for us and we chose our treatments. I opted to get some gel fingernails as I rarely get chance to paint my nails and like the idea of having something that lasts a little longer than a massage. After our treatments we headed into the pool area and made the most of the sauna, steam room and jacuzzi. 

We then got ready to head for our afternoon tea, which was amazing.  We were presented with a huge tea list to choose from, we chose China Rose tea and it was devine.  Everything about the afternoon was amazing from the silver cutlery and tea pots, to the huge yet delicate cake stand bursting with amazing treats.

The best part was they also did doggy bags (classy cake boxes and dainty paper bags) so we could take some treats home.  Before heading home we had a nosey around the other rooms of the hotel. The decor is so sumptuous it really shouts luxury. 

We had a great afternoon and will definitely return. I would love to stay in one of the rooms
 (hint hint Mr H) .

What they wore #3

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

I love this picture of my two cherubs. It was one of about 50, the other 49 involved one child being a blur so this was as good as it got. Little Miss and Little Mr wore these outfits to a Golden Wedding anniversary we recently attended (you can read about it here).

Little Mr 
Shirt - you can't really make out from the picture but it has lots of small cameras over it. 
From F&F at Tesco.

Trousers - woollen mix black/grey originally part of his two piece Christmas outfit.
From M and S

Boots - Jones the boot maker.

Little Miss
Dress - Black and White rose dress
From Laura Ashley

Tights and Frilly knickers
From Monsoon

Shoes - Golden Mary janes
From Mothercare

Little Mr Turns 4

Monday, 20 April 2015

I can't quite believe it but this week Little Mr turned 4. How can that be?
Some how this Birthday made myself and his Dad more reflective. Perhaps its because its because 4 means he will start school or the fact that at 3 he was still our baby. To us 4 just seemed so much older. the age at which he really was a little boy and no longer a toddler or preschooler.

I have been planning Little Mr's Birthday for months, well years really. It was his first proper party as we have previously held smaller tea parties at home. This year however he had asked to celebrate with a party, especially as he has been to many of his friend too. I knew straight away that we wouldn't be having his party at home as the prospect of 20 plus children plus parents was too much so settled on a local village hall. Since the day Little Mr arrived I have been planning out (in my head at least) what his parties would be like and I am so pleased with how his Birthday went. It was just how I had imagined.

We had Little Mr's party the day before his actual Birthday. Lots of his friend came and he had a marvellous time.

It was fair to say following the party we were pooped. We came back to the house with family and had a well deserved cup of tea and slice of cake. Little Mr had been very spoilt by all of his friends and received an overwhelming amount of presents.   Once the children were settled for the night we finished we marked the occasion with a bottle of Champagne and reflected on the last four years. On how Little Mr entered the world, our first thoughts bringing him home, how we were using garden chairs as indoor furniture!! We wouldn't change where we are now but it would be lovely to steal one more snuggle with our new born little boy.
Before bed I snook in to Little Mr's room for extra cuddles on his last night as a three year old, one last kiss and of course a photo.

Little Mr woke early on his Birthday, 5.30am to be precise. We even had to wake Little Miss which is a rarity. We spent a few hours opening presents and playing with new toys before heading to the coast. we visited the amusements, walked the beach, had fish and chips and ice cream. During our trip Little Mr said that it had been his wish when he blew out his candles that we come to the seaside for the day which was sweet.

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