Bucket List #May

Thursday, 30 April 2015


I only recently stumbled upon the bucket list linky an immediately loved the idea. So without further a do here is my bucket list for May.

 1) To get back onto the fitness wagon. I recently really got really into HIIT (high intensity interval training) but fell off the wagon throughout April for many reasons such as Birthdays, weekends away and work.

 2) Spend more time on Riding bikes with little Mr. He loves it but we really don't do it enough.

 3) To save at least £100 this month. This is a biggy a the last few months I have spent every penny I have earnt so I really need to be more frugal with my money.

 4) To finish my book. A couple of months ago I began reading The doll house, I was really beginning to get into the plot and I just haven't picked it up again. I miss reading adult books.

 5) To go on a girls night out. Since children I have really scaled back on nights out, I fact they scarsely happen. So on my list is a girls night out though this one is cheating really as I do have a night out planned but it will be my first in a long time.

 So short and sweet but hopefully it will be achievable. I will feel more accountable anyway!!


  1. Great list =) I hope you get to go on a girls night out and finish your book! I am trying to read more and it never happens!

    1. Thanks! It's just so hard to fit reading in isn't it?

  2. I can't remember the last time I had chance to read a book, and I am usually a big reader! I have two paperbacks I bought at xmas that have yet to be cracked open!

    Stevie x #MonthlyBucketList

    1. Its terrible isn't it that so many of us just don't have chance to read. Thanks for dropping in.

  3. Great list! Good luck with it, look forward to seeing how you get on xx

    1. Thanks hopefully I manage at least part of my list. X

  4. Good luck on the fitness. I have just started SW& c25k eeeek!!!
    A girls night out is always good for you to blow away the cobwebs! Make sure you get one sorted ASAP!!!
    Thanks for linking up xxx


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