It's the weekend!!

Friday 28 March 2014

My most favourite part of the week in Friday it always has been. Admittedly the reasons go it being my favourite day have changed big time. Once it was the excitement of getting glammed up to party away the end of the week with promises of lazy lie ins, casual lunch dates, a spot of shopping,cinema trips maybe even another night out to showcase the new shoes.

Now it is the excitement of the door opening as my hubby gets back from work and the excitement of spending the weekend together just as a four, they are our favourite weekends.  This weekend will be a little different as it is Mothers Day so we are heading to the coast. I do love Sunday lunches but we do that all the blooming time so instead we like to go somewhere especially now we have our own children. This will be my first Mother's Day having a daughter as well as a son I can't wait. It was a great day on Little Mr's first Mother's Day, I finally felt like I belonged to 'the club'. The day becomes all the more special when you have your own children to share it with. I am lucky enough to have my mum around to share the day with too so can only imagine that the day becomes tinged with sadness if you don't.  I know it's only one day of 365 more but it must bring it home all the more. It really makes me want to cherish the ones I have.

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